Here at Woodhaven Baptist CDC, your child’s safety and wellbeing come first. We are a registered, faith based childcare provider. Our facility meets all the requirements outlined by the South Carolina Department of Social Services.

Woodhaven Baptist CDC’s goal is to develop the “whole child”. We achieve this goal by teaching the children to develop skills in the following areas:

  • Spiritual ~ Children attend Chapel once a week, learn a new Bible verse each week, Listen to Daily Bible stories, sign Christian songs, say a blessing before mealtimes, and say a Pledge to the Christian Flag and Bible.
  • Social ~ Our children are grouped in age-appropriate classrooms. They have 2 recesses a day to have time to freely play with their peers. They also interact with other classes while on the playground. The children spend time in other areas of their day working and interacting with children of the same age.
  • Cognitive ~ Our Toddler classes through PreK classrooms engage in a morning group. During group time, the teacher implements a weekly topic as well as teaches/reviews the alphabet, numbers, colors, shapes, sings songs, reads books, play games, etc …
  • Physical~ Our children have a large playground and a full-size gym for the children to play, twice daily. They also utilize music and movement in the classrooms. Younger classes that are not able to go to the gym on rainy days have balls, riding toys and animal hoppers brought into their classrooms.
  • Emotional ~ We teach responsibility by giving the children small jobs to carry out while in the classroom. We teach compassion by allowing the children to help each other and care for others. We like for the children to feel a sense of pride in the things they accomplish on a daily basis.

If you are interested in learning more about how Woodhaven Baptist CDC can help your child learn and grow, please contact us to schedule a tour. We will be glad to show you the facility and go over our program with you.